Digitale Sammlung Deutscher Kolonialismus → Rhodesia of to-day
Digitale Sammlung Deutscher Kolonialismus → Rhodesia of to-day
- [Farbkarte]
- Vorderdeckel
- I Titelblatt
- V Vorwort
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
- Karte
- Stempel
- 1 I. Native Labour.
- 21 II. The Climate.
- 28 III. Grazing and Agriculture.
- 44 IV. Emigration to Matabeleland.
- 64 V. The British South Africa Company's Mining Law.
- 79 VI. The Chartered Company's Goldfields.
- 107 VII. Communication.
- 134 VIII. Administration.
- 1 Messrs. Longmans, Green, & Co's Classified Catalogue of Works in General Literature.
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