Digitale Sammlung Deutscher Kolonialismus → Continuation report on Sleeping Sickness in Uganda
Digitale Sammlung Deutscher Kolonialismus → Continuation report on Sleeping Sickness in Uganda
- [Farbkarte]
- Vorderdeckel
- Titelblatt
- 3 Contents
- 5 Introductory
- 7 1.-3. Lymphatic Glands in Sleeping Sickness
- 18 4. Blood in Sleeping Sickness
- 25 5. Cerebro-spinal Fluid in Sleeping Sickness
- 28 6.-7. Bacterial Invasion in Sleeping Sickness
- 39 8. Relation of Trypanosoma Fever to Sleeping Sickness
- 73 9. Trypanosoma Experiments with Animals
- 102 10. Distribution of Sleeping Sickness and Glossina Palpalis
- 104 11. Fresh Fly (Glossina Palpalis) Trypanosomes
- 111 12. Other Varieties of Trypanosoma in Uganda
- 111 13. History and Distribution of these Trypanosomes
- 112 14. Trypanosomes of Entebbe Ox, Jinja Cattle, Abyssinian and Entebbe Mules
- 112 15. Animal Experiments with these Trypanosomes
- 193 16. Are we Dealing with one or more than one Species?
- 197 17. Can the Glossina Palpalis convey these Trypanosomes?
- 203 18. Can other Biting Flies (Stomoxys) convey these?
- 209 Appendix
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