Digitale Sammlung Deutscher Kolonialismus → American Colonial Government 1696-1765
Digitale Sammlung Deutscher Kolonialismus → American Colonial Government 1696-1765
- [Farbkarte]
- Vorderdeckel
- [Schmutztitel]
- Titelblatt
- Contents
- 9 Illustrations
- 11 Preface
- 17 I. Organization and Personnel of the Board of Trade
- 81 II. Relations of the Board of Trade to other Departments of Administration
- 133 III. Difficulties of Colonial Administration
- 181 IV. The Imperialistic Policy of the Board of Trade
- 225 V. Treatment of Colonial Legislation
- 285 VI. Boundaries, Trade, Defense and Indian Affairs
- 357 Résumé
- 367 Bibliography
- 379 Index
- Rückdeckel
- Rücken